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Circular Economy, Sustainability, and the 6Rs

The concept of the circular economy has in recent times gained so much in popularity that it is driving out the traditional straight-line produce-use-dispose system, which is being replaced with the efficient use of resources and the prioritization of reduction, re-use and recycling as well as a new way of thinking.

Thus, the all-new ‘Multi-R’ paradigm is separating economic growth from environmental impacts. According to ECODES-COEPLAN, a 45% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions could be achieved by applying circular economy criteria.

In order to balance economic health with the planet’s health, there’s no other alternative than being sustainable. So, what exactly is sustainability? The most often quoted definition is the one that appears in the Brundtland Report: “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (United Nations, 1987).

In order to be sustainable, not only industry must be circular but consumption as well. When it comes to industry, this change may include the inclusion of more efficient processes while on the consumption side, it requires a change in culture. The European economy (EU 27) is 13% circular whereas the world average is 9%.

This societal transformation is already unstoppable and FAVEKER certainly doesn’t want to be left behind. That’s why its all-new image arose with its own 6R sustainability system:

At FAVEKER, we work to create efficient solutions through sustainable products in line with the Sustainable Development Goals. Proof of this lies in our 100% recyclable products with a minimum content of 40% recycled compounds as the result of applying eco-design criteria, recovering and reusing waste from the very process (with zero waste certification) and facilitating future waste management with the possibility of converting our applications into new raw materials. Thus, we’re able to close the ‘cradle-to-cradle’ cycle from the time our products are created until the end of their service life, all while reducing consumption and emissions in the manufacturing and use thereof, and working to reuse, redesign, recycle and recover.

FAVEKER solutions offer new and renovated buildings high energy efficiency all while enhancing people’s quality of life and building livability conditions. Our commitment to this end is reflected in our compliance with standards UNE EN 9001 and UNE EN 14001, along with our EPD, which is recognized by Global EPD and ECO Platform, in addition to our recycled content certificate. Moreover, FAVEKER building envelopes rank very well when seeking building certification pursuant to BREEAM, LEED and PASSIVHAUS standards.

Jose Manuel Grao