New construction project for Vitalia Home Residence, Burgos

Vitalia Burgos is a modern and innovative senior residence based on a residential concept where new technologies and methodologies promote autonomy, safety, and personalized care focused on the individual.
It features a sustainable ventilated ceramic facade, created with the GA16 solution in blue and white colors, turning out in a minimal consumption and, consequently, low CO2 emissions in climate control.
Additionally, FAVEKER® uses 100% recyclable materials with a high percentage of recycled content in its composition, creating a building envelope that is not only efficient but also sustainable.
The use of these types of envelopes not only meets regulatory requirements in terms of energy, safety, and sustainability but also improves them, achieving nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) or even positive energy buildings.
Azul Noche / Blanco Mate
Fixing system
FTS 502 A